Creating a New Projectmail_outline

Creating a project is simple with inMotion. If you do not need to fill out a brief, you can kick off a project quickly from scratch.

  1. From the Project Workspace, click the green 'Create New Project' button and enter in the details for your project.
  2. Use a project template or create it from scratch. 
  3. Only the Project Name is required, but you can add other information as needed. Choose your Start and Due Dates and assign a Project Group if needed. 
  4. Click 'Create' and your new project will show up on your Project Workspace.

Administrators: inMotion gives you the control to restrict project creation so they can only be started from a request form. You can manage this setting from Account > Account Settings > Customize > Project Options. Restricting project creation will remove the 'Create New Project' button from the users' workspaces.